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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Giving Up or Adding On?

I was chatting over lunch the other day with a young woman I know. She and her husband have been married a few years and have faithfully given up something during the Lenten season. Chocolate, coffee, going out for restaurant meals and movies, that sort of thing. She said that this year they had been kicking around ideas. TV maybe? They didn't watch it much anyways. Restaurants? Done that already. Ditto chocolate and coffee. What to give up that would be significant and a sacrifice?

Then inspiration hit. What if, instead of giving something up, they added something on? 40 days of something extra? She's going to run outside daily. He is going to walk the 1.5 km to and from work. Normally going to work means using the ATV or car but for Lent, he will walk both ways. February and March in southern Ontario are still firmly in winters grip. It’s below zero with snow and ice covering the ground. Green grass and flowers won’t be seen until April normally. Committing to run or walk daily is not for the faint of heart.

I'm impressed by their determination and creativity to honour Lent and the idea of sacrifice. As for me, I haven't firmly decided yet. What about you?


Waltrude G. - Grandmothergoose said...

Now that is a new way of doing things! I must say that I like the idea, too!
Will certainly thing about this for a bit!

Dori - Mennonite Foundation of Canada said...

Thanks Sherri for the reminder to consider a discipline for Lent. There is an online calendar on the KAIROS website ( called Carbon Fast for Lent with some good ideas. I also like the One Thousand Acts of Peace website that encourages 3 acts of peace per day (and they have lots of suggestions - I think I might try their suggestion and consciously add peace 3 times a day.

"As each has received a gift, employ it for one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace." 1 Peter 4:10