Faith and Inspiration!! Friendship and Resources!! Come and stay a while!!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Celebrating 75 Years

Please, come and join us as we celebrate 
"75 years" 
of God's faithfulness towards us!

All women are welcome!
See more information below the poster.
Contact your local MCBC Church Office 
or register online by clicking 
Cost is $20.00 per woman (lunch included
and you need to purchase your ticket by no later than 
April 28th.

Childcare will be provided but you need to pre-register 
your child by April 28th as well!
Cost is $20.00 per child + $10.00 
for each additional child of the same family.

An Offering will be taken!
And if you can, please bring an extra .75 cents!

Our aim is to have a "Celebration Collection" that will go specifically towards the "Pennies & Prayer Legacy Fund"

It helps support 
Christina & Darnell Barkman in the Philippines 
and Taryn & Nathan Dirks in Botswana.
You can also contact me at for tickets.

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"As each has received a gift, employ it for one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace." 1 Peter 4:10