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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Summer is OVER! ! !

Summer has gone by so very fast and now it's B-A-C-K to W-O-R-K once again! ! !

Mennonite Women Canada "Task Force" is busy working on the final push to figure out what our Canadian Mennonite Women want, as far as, Women's Ministry is concerned.

We, the "Task Force", have worked hard and prepared a rather comprehensive survey. (12 questions :-)) From the results of it, we hope to make some recommendations to the Mennonite Women Canada Executive but first, all of you have to help us by answering the survey!

So please chick H-E-R-E NOW! It will take you maybe 5 minutes! :-)

The Survey has already been sent to all our MCBC churches.
Soooo.... if you don't have in your mail-slots this Sunday or next, then make sure to ask your office administrators for it.

It will also come to you as an insert in the next MCBC "News 'n Notes", due out a bit later this month.

I have also posted a link on the "Facebook"(MCBC Women's Ministry) group so there really is no excuse for you not to take a few minutes and answer our questions.

If you have any questions, you know where to reach me!

Thank you, one and all ! ! !

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"As each has received a gift, employ it for one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace." 1 Peter 4:10